Our Work


Restructured this large REDCap project and made extensive modifications to it by adding functionality and increasing efficiency.



Role of Maternal Childhood Experiences on Pregnancy and Child Development and Health

The overall goal of this study is to test specific hypotheses related to the intergenerational mother-to-child transmission during gestation of the effects of maternal exposure to severe trauma in her own childhood, with a focus on fetal brain development (assessed at birth) as the primary outcome of interest, and on maternal-placental-fetal endocrine and immune biology as the proximate pathway of transmission.

For this project, the Data Management and Information Systems Core is responsible for consolidating over 20 REDCap projects into one single longitudinal data management project. Multiple projects were being used for data management across all sites for this project and none of them were the same. We evaluated all of them then created one REDCap project to serve all needs and to allow all data to be in one central location. The projects were started at other institutions and all data management now resides on the Pitt REDCap instance.


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